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Uttam Kumar belongs from Majouri Village, of Jammu and Kashmir.Uttam was proclaimed 60% impaired with non working hands and right leg. Be that as it may, his parents led all the efforts for his upbringing with affection and care and taught him to the best of their capacity. At the point when Uttam's dad took him to the neighborhood school, a large number of the townspeople revealed to him that it was of no utilization as Uttam would not add up to anything without his hands and one foot. Be that as it may, Uttam and his family chose to accept this as a test and demonstrate the world what he was able to do. With extraordinary trouble Uttam began holding the pencil with his left foot bolstered mostly by a dangling hand. One of his elementary teachers perceived his aptitudes in artistry and energized him. From that time he began portraying, drawing and painting with his foot. As he began picking up in certainty, he chose to demonstrate to everyone around him that "He also can live like an ordinary individual and can do the things that any abled individual can do". He was resolved to substantiate himself and began to put in long periods of hardwork into improving his aesthetic aptitudes. In the wake of passing his twelfth class, Uttam took an interest in numerous Art presentations and open Art appears in and around the state, stowed numerous references, grants and thanks from Government and non-government associations. Step by step individuals began perceiving his ability and upheld him. He trusts that the majority of his fans would bolster him entire heartedly till his final gasp.


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